High School Program target text
Grades 9 & 10: A wide selection of prerequisite courses are offered to provide the skill and content base for specialization in grades 11 and 12.
Grades 11 & 12: A variety of specialized university level courses in Mathematics, Science, Arts, Technology, Business and Humanities are offered in Grades 11 and 12, designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university and college programs.
Differentiated Instruction and Experiential Learning
Our teachers support diverse learners by developing a combination of teaching strategies that are responsive to all students’ needs and challenge them at their individual, appropriate levels. We recognise each students’ learning profile including their learning style, type of intelligences(s), learning preference or traits related to socio-economic or cultural background and take them into consideration when planning, teaching and evaluating courses.
Vineridge also provides ample experiential learning opportunities for our students through community involvement, extra- curricular activities, volunteering and workshops during or beyond school hours.
Due to the fast-track program at Vineridge, we provide frequent reporting to students and parents, allowing for early grade intervention. Students will receive the following monthly reports throughout the semester.
- First Progress Report
- Midterm Report
- Second Progress Report
- Final Report
For a selection of courses visit our Academics page.
Students at Vineridge Academy who have successfully fulfilled the following requirements will be awarded the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) by the Ontario Ministry of Education:
Students who have partially completed high school education will be offered equivalent credits based on their successful prior learning. Students follow a challenging university-preparatory curriculum while receivng individual academic advice and help, as well as extensive university/college counseling in their senior years. |
Mini High School Program target text
Royal Elite International Academy has an exciting short-term program for high school aged learners from all over the world. In this non-credit program, learners are enrolled in regular high school classes and get the high school experience for a 4 to 12-week period. Students are expected to study and participate in school spirit activities along regular students for the entire duration of their stay.
Mini High School students learn through
- In class instruction in a variety of subjects including math and sciences
- Participating in activities in the Niagara Region
- Living with a local host family and learning about Canadian culture
- Experience what it is like to be a high school student in Canada
All students receive a certificate of achievement after successful completion of their course, but they do not receive official high school credits in Canada.
We have starting dates year-round but please contact admissions for your most suitable start date.
Sample Schedule
9:00am – 10:30am | Grade 10 Math |
10:40am – 12:10pm | Grade 10 Science |
12:10pm – 1:00 pm | Lunch |
1:00pm – 2:30 pm | Grade 10 Art |
2:40pm – 4:10 pm | Grade 10 English |
4:30pm – 6:00 pm | After school clubs and activities/IELTS training/free time |
6: 00pm | Dinner with your host family/school residence, homework |
ESL Program target text
Vineridge Academy provides English language classes at five levels determined by the Ontario Curriculum. This allows international students to receive admission to Vineridge, regardless of their existing English level. Students with lower English levels start out with an intensive language preparation program until they are ready to add academic courses to their study plan. The length of time this takes, depends on the individual student as everyone learns at a different pace, but students generally progress well through the ESL levels.
Summer Camps target text
Vineridge Academy is located in one of the most popular tourist destinations in Canada! Millions of visitors pour into the region to marvel and the many grape fields and wineries surrounding Niagara. The beautiful nature and historic sites provide a perfect setup for an incredible summer experience.
We offer up to three open camps throughout the summer months of June, July and August. The camps offer a truly unique cultural experience as well as an unforgettably fun time.
The duration of each camp is 3 weeks, but students can register for 2 weeks as well, and since we have a summer semester, camp students have the opportunity to be integrated into existing classes. This gives them an opportunity to experience high school in Canada, as well as meet other students who are here full time.
The camp program includes:
- 15hrs of class time per week
- Daily activities
- Transportation
- Residence/Homestay Accommodations
- Meals
There is a wide variety of daily activities, including sports, arts and crafts, shopping, nature hikes, water parks, tour of Toronto and Niagara Falls and many more. Campers are immersed into Canadian culture and the beauty that Niagara-on-the-lake has to offer.
Custom Group Program target text
Custom group programs are offered year-round for 10+ students. They allow for a fully customized program with flexible arrival and departure days, activity selection and ratio of class time to activities.
CONTACT US for more information on your next group visit!